Evidence Of Senselessness


Windy sun it beats on us to strike our shoes and wake us up.
We are only us we say that sun each day it goes away.
Alone our­selves within our tribe together we don’t have to hide.
Smile now cause now is when our sun can still come back again.



The man his feet are in the sand the eyes lie wide in painful hands.
Work­ing nails and mas­ter­piece the trees are cut to set us free.
Rodgers taught us much respect a man he is his intel­lect.
The species thrives on sep­a­rate minds but we are all alike. Alive.



Wise to break rules.
Fools and anti freez­ing an evenings colder breeze is sweep­ing through the makeup tent to make us feel alright again.
Bend­ing brick­ward bend­ing shame tam­ing all who rea­son blames.
Walk for noth­ing.
Walk for all.
Walk for some­thing.
Mus­ket balls.
Call­ing hogs to musk ox paws.
Sweat is grim the man is him.
Obscure advice a breath­ing whim.
Within, all hear­ing is for sure.
Noth­ing else.
The brake pads need a tim­ing belt.
Cars on fire.
Cars rewired.
Reach­ing for our tired tires.
Car is mov­ing car for sale.
Older now enhanced by tales.
Rea­son being.
Reach­ing wide.
To reach back in where find­ing hides.
Ris­ing high a non­sense smile.
Spread­ing joy while in denial.
Horses low of course.
We know.
Talk­ing slow the oppo­site the old man drifts his walk­ings swift to not explain he com­pre­hends that fight­ing means he makes amends.
And bend­ing breaks it shat­ters round the queen she lifts up to the skies to lose her­self with every eye.
Lose her­self like noth­ing else and he the same.
They share the health.



Knowl­edge weep­ing reach­ing peaks.
Pos­i­tively keep­ing peace.
Prob­lems lift­ing sleep­ing speaks.
Dream­ing chas­ing run­ning feet.

Hands around the inner beast.



Lunge for nerves well-known to break.
Hug the pain with love grenades.
Reflec­tion laugh­ter break­ing free.
Sim­ple reciprocity.



Doesn’t mat­ter where you’ve been.
Dri­ving ins the ride within.
Let­ting loose the demon juice to labor in the job­less suit.
Use envi­ron­ments to choose a move thats used for mov­ing you.
Exclu­sive to your own obtuse.
Shapes for shift­ing shapes to rise.
Hates alive its fight­ing time.
Brawl­ing not the vio­lent kind.
Involv­ing only kiss­ing minds.
Drift­ing wide and sip­ping wine.
Spread­ing dark­ness in rewind.



Some­times it leaps and some­times it drips.
In between pages its rea­son exists.
Say­ing noth­ing for you cause Im me.
And what tends to leave from my brain you cant see.
So sell me your pens while I doc­u­ment non­sense.
Hun­gry iguana a relaxed piranha.
Only if this is embrac­ing sub­con­scious.
I lied if its not I will smile.



Shin­ing souls and shat­tered molds of use­less moves and think­ing bold.
Drift­ing sell­ing noth­ing sold.
Trad­ing sto­ries over told.
Telling what he did to lose his mind in mind­ful speak­ing roles.
Trad­ing glory wak­ing chose to choose a life he lost to old.



A light shines from gut­ters.
Danc­ing on wud­der.
Drip­ping from poles that shine back in a flut­ter.
Drip­ping from tongues are the words of eachother.
Liv­ing for us and the natures of mother.
Nation of lovers.
Our num­bers attest.
Our­selves are among us.
The love would suggest.



4:30 sushi rolled thoughts con­sid­er­ing chop­sticks.
Plots thick, options, hon­est, proper.
Left with honor.
Oppo­site of it.
Prophet­less story.
Prof­it­less glory.
Lost in a drift.
Explor­ing the dur­ing.
Ignor­ing the pour­ing obses­sion regres­sion address­ing the wish­ing cre­ative aggression.



Moun­tain lions.
Infin­ity vision its infinivi­sion its liv­ing within him to give to the giving.



The wind­storm blues.
Glued to use­less future usage.
Flew behind the blue influ­ence.
Eggshells and birds.
Neg­li­gent words.
Trav­el­ing in deep the inferno has burned.
Facts of a frac­tion in arbi­trage black.
Attack of the actual car­ti­lage hats.
How does it feel?



Fiends of leisure leav­ing streak­ing show­ing all believ­ing leak­ing.
Sheep inde­cent leav­ing fre­quent lee cause its the breath­ing season.



Pages thick thicket thoughts click­ing thoughts a para­dox.
Non­sense lost.
Set a drift with noth­ing but,
a thought to dive into your gut.
And make the nerves decap­i­tate your fear and make you cel­e­brate.
Make your wheels that see inflate.
Give you heels for the escape.
They all approach to con­sum­mate.
Wish­ing you could cos­tume hate.
Hal­loween the prob­lems seen and make them ghost monop­oly.
Drop our hope on liv­ing sprees and let us live cause liv­ings free.
Break­ing all hypocrisy.
The love is us subconsciously.



String mis­tress.
Breath­less whis­tles.
Teeth decay­ing back­wards.
Smile dri­ven.
Gen­eral giants a light­ning envi­ron­ment.
Dying for fright­en­ers.
Life­long admir­ers.
Good­bye to a greet­ing.
In between seat­ing.
Stand­ing cause the earth is wide and walk­ing is believing.



Bird race for the dinosaurs.
Sel­dom fly­ing dream­ing soars.
Cac­tus chil­dren walk­ing slow.
Teach­ing things that I don’t know.
Soda pop and hand grenades.
Hun­gry cats are david spade.
Made of linen made in soup.
Back­wards on the rac­ing loop.
Incrim­i­na­tion valu­able.
Allowed but com­pound­able.
Frown­ing sounds on clown­ing grounds.
Bro­ken legs to leap with bounds.
Every ounce a mega­phone.
Tes­ti­fy­ing no ones home.



He didn’t think he’d make it.
Twenty some­where sleep­ing sweep­ing groan­ing weep­ing bold.
Hold­ing scream­ing leap­ing even clean­ing sheep he sold.
Farmer stu­dent loose recruit­ment bloom­ing loose alone. Loose assum­ing loose with groom­ing rags make suits for clothes.
Suited for a los­ing use the life inside the present.
Pleas­ant smoth­er­ing.
Joy­ful suf­fer­ing.
Endur­ing noth­ing wink­ing hug­ging run­ning slow a paint­brush junkie.
He still didn’t think he’d make it.



Snaking past the laugh­ter pit.
Dras­tic fre­quent.
After it.
Love some­body live for them.
Angel sys­tem main event.
Laid the dis­tance what it is.
Con­vey per­sis­tent inter­est.
Snaking past the laugh­ter pit.
Dras­tic fre­quent.
Never it.



Voices call­ing glow­ing sand.
Choices all in bro­ken hands.
Mea­ger motion alibi.
Eager action won’t com­ply.
Voices call­ing out of time.
Waves of win­ter speak­ing mime.



Which was it.
Push or pull.
30 days in bristling pret­zel snicker stage.
Angel city slip­ping drift­ing grip­ping mainly minds its shift­ing.
Liv­ing sim­ply.
Wooden toes.
Piano thrones.
Show­ing some­one.
Snow­ing cold.
Bold relent­less.
Vent­ing head­less.
MD then said with love and friend­ship.
Doc­u­ments attest there is.
Evi­dence of senselessness.

