For The Interests Of The Media


Col­lid­ing spir­its ride together.
Rain­ing sun­shine.
Cloud­less weather.
Every week is the lov­ing sea­son.
It seems my breath­ing bleeds with reason.



Sick­ness wil­lows drape her trees attribute vio­lence to her knees for squeak­ing aim­less walk­ing thieves to leave her weep­ing feel­ing weak.



Hold­ing on to this liv­ing in the trial of expres­sion.
Rely­ing on cre­ation in the wake of mis­per­cep­tion.
Fight­ing lefty minds with weapons: love gun decep­tion.
Watch­ing time slip with hopes of leav­ing an impression.



Threats at con­science roots of non­sense.
Reck­less lever­age cor­re­spon­dence.
Demons wak­ing life escap­ing.
Faith sub­mit­ting all responses.
Depth of dark­ness should dis­arm us.
Should is naught. Love is flawless.



Over­throw emo­tions talk­ing ears on pave­ment hands for walk­ing shud­der some­thing intro­spec­tive reach­ing fur­ther for per­spec­tive if and only if the treat­ments wrapped in col­ors built for freedom.



Tribu­la­tion week will leave you weak and unpre­pared com­par­ing feats of strength once shared amidst the peak.
Sim­ply a chance.
Rise and face it.



Sunny rain­ing win­dow pain.
Pock­ets hid­ing wings of change.
Stream­ing faces. Fall it cries.
Twisted death rings sing alive.



Well the world cre­ates a dif­fer­ent drum when your soci­etal senses are hang­ing there numb.
Walk­ing back­ward stand­ing side­ways eyes enlight­ened by the high­way.
Painted feet and clothes with tears are path­ways over all despair.
Intu­ition rid­ing. We will share and keep try­ing.
We are the vision chil­dren. We will keep flying.



For­ma­tion of griev­ance upon our alle­giance con­trol­ling our feel­ings towards all thats inde­cent.
Our alibi arriv­ing despite all the thriv­ing con­triv­ing and lying despised.
We rise by find­ing minds tied align­ing times to keep free­dom from dying.
We will real­ize. We can survive.



Emo­tion walk­ing.
Invok­ing ela­tion.
We are us.
Mind­bind­ing beauty.
Arriv­ing awake.
Free­dom intake.
We are us.



Panoramic love out­landish.
Jan­glin jane enhances trances.
Sun­rise land­ing squint­ing shad­ows.
Rain­ing laugh­ing mad she dances.



The­sis face­tious endeav­ors of humor. Rumors of seri­ous life tri­als near­ing. Asked to embrace every thought that we’re fear­ing. Its clear they don’t want us to step out of line. Reminded we’re drones who must learn our own minds. Try­ing to get out alive from the line.