Mischief Molecules



And think.

Often the legs will just soften.
The knees will just buckle.
Feel the uncov­ered.
Feel the mol­e­cules that sur­round and fol­low you.

The world is a beau­ti­ful place.



Under­stand­ing where Ive been.
Under­stand­ing where I am.
Where Im going where Ill be.
I cant under­stand any­thing.
The road it twists.
The road it turns.
In to me and into it.
Above all in the liv­ing learn.



On to the road we are tossed.
Come find me so we can go get lost.



Feel­ing beat from the heat.
He reached a phys­i­cal defeat.
Noth­ing to eat.
Forced to com­pete.
Fears he wished were obso­lete.
Lack of sleep.
The cycle repeats.
He needs to delete this trou­bling fleet.
A place off the street.
To raise up his feet.
Who could he meet to give him relief?
What a treat.
Who did he greet?
A self­less tur­tle turned him­self to a seat.



Over under back around.
Side­ways for­ward up and down.
Red orange greens,
Black brown hues,
Pur­ple yel­low,
Whites grays blues.
Try to relax while the chaos ensues.



Des­ti­na­tion nowhere.
Every day he goes there.
Sim­ply cause he don’t care.
Theres no one that he knows there.
Often times he pon­ders.
With each step of wan­der.
If he will ever find her.
So on and on he wanders.



Its tough to be exposed to a viper on the nose.
Espe­cially with a par­rot and a mind­less junky rabbit.



He real­ized there was too much on his plate.
And sat­is­fied.
He could not pre­dict his fate.
Under watch­ful eyes.
He could not keep up this rate.
He real­ized.
He would have to clean the slate.



He walks, he runs.
He gal­lops swiftly.
He looks, he stares.
His eyes are shifty.

Head­band, sneaks.
Thigh high shorts.
No shirt required.
To play his sports.
Angry, creepy.
Is all his nature.
Just please use cor­rect.
He talks, he deals.
He never looks back.
What the fuck is in that sack?



One day maybe ill be just a lit­tle more octopus.



Search­ing for a dif­fer­ent kind.
Of way to fight against the time.
To find every­thing you want to find.
Let the music take your mind.



When age steals me I hope I can say.
I was tired of brown so I switched to gray.
I feel like a kid. Though dif­fi­cult to play.
I strayed but never lost my way.
Why regret? Hap­pi­ness.
At the end of my days.



My mind sug­gests I turn away.
My mind requests I live today.
Will to fight.
Eye­ful of sight.
Height of my plight is to shine deep and bright to elim­i­nate fright and bring dark­ness to light.




Inner heal­ing.
Eye­lid rain.
Inspi­ra­tion steal­ing.
Burn­ing chest.
Unknown explo­sion.
Find­ing emo­tion.
Drink­ing the potion.
Toes that escape.
Vision that waits.

Made by nature.
Spir­i­tual intake.
Thoughts dis­rupted.
Thoughts dis­gusted.
Thoughts must leave as their erupt­ing.
Can only hope for.
No cor­rup­tion.
No abduc­tion.
More pro­duc­tion.
More seduc­tion.
Vision that waits.



Escape from the evil one.
His grasp is mas­sive.
Never phys­i­cal.
Climbs through the ears.
Past the drums.
Robs your free thoughts.
Makes you go numb.
Pinches nerves.
Elim­i­nates senses.
Moral fences.
Noth­ing men­tioned.
His words are spo­ken.
To leave your mind bro­ken.
The evil one steals.
All that you feel.



Don’t trip and fall.
All your faults are on the wall.
Climb to watch.
Eter­nal and all.
Con­se­quence rid­dled.
Inter­ests of more.
Inci­dent store.
Infi­nite tour.



Guide to the labyrinth.
Crevices shaken.
Demon infested.
Noth­ing for­saken.
Spirit invested.
Noth­ing found.
Rea­son infected.
Astound­ing grounds.



Too intensely involved with every­thing to be truly involved with anything.


Spir­its whis­per.
Whis­pers soft as a bee­tles cough.
Indoor explo­ration.
The shamans land.
The prophet. The man.
He under­stands.
Con­nect­ing peo­ple.
Thread and nee­dle.
The wind­ing road attacks the sky.
The moon­lit sky attracts our eyes.
The shaman whis­pers and he calls.
We choose to lis­ten. He is us all.



Ser­pent cloud island.
The island awaits.
Tan­gling fate.
To manip­u­late.
Clouded blue state and the heav­i­ness slate.
The rep­tile creeps from ear to ear.
Lay­ing seeds of hate and fear.
Can they be ignored?



The sky rains intre­pid.
Of all unex­pected.
Evenings in depth.
In all the reflec­tions.
The ground inter­jects.
Incit­ing per­fec­tion.
Our world rec­ol­lects.
Ignit­ing redemption.



The king of the world.
A sac­ri­fice.
Endur­ing impro­vi­sa­tion.
Never lost con­cen­tra­tion.
The spell.
The mind.
It runs and hides.
The touch of evil creeps inside.



Col­li­sion of souls.
Com­bin­ing of minds.
Divid­ing of toes.
Revival behind.
Deep cav­ern feel.
Endeav­ors inside.
Turn­ing of wheels.
Elec­tion of pride.
Birds gen­tly sing.
Tin­gling slides.
It means every­thing.
The emo­tional ride.



Dev­ils mas­quer­ade.
The sky is bro­ken with bright blue light.
It dances gyra­tions to slice through the night.
Sweat from the heat.
Stomp and kick feet.
Click, click.
Click, click.
The smooth stone cav­erns wind and com­bine.
The thirst is answered with blood col­ored wine.

The first is the last and alls in dis­or­der.
Shorter, longer, longer, shorter.
The faces show crea­tures.
In the shade of the cul­ture.
A bull and a frog.
A sparkling vul­ture.
Let it take you over.
Let your hate fade.
Let it take you over.
The masquerade.



Dark sun­rise.
A bright sunny night.
Pur­ple sand reach.
Sleep­less slum­ber beach.
Extended fam­ily.
A moon­lit canopy.
Yel­low green trees with blue squir­rels can it be?
Under­ground moun­tains pro­ject­ing the light and crea­tures so sad and afraid of their fright.
Under­stand cru­elty and wing bro­ken flight with sense­less­ness fea­tures and blind eyes for sight.
The man and the sea.
He is the doc­tor.
Of fantasy.



The melody invites you to explode from the inner.
The drum­beat con­vinces you to uplift your soul.
Inside the out as an advanced begin­ner.
The wind filled with rain as the drama unfolds.



Pulled from the wreck­age.
Inspec­tion inter­ven­tion.
Reflec­tive ret­ro­spec­tive.
Under­ground per­spec­tive.
Meant for res­ur­rec­tion?
Respect the whole collective.

Expect the unexpected.



Invol­un­tary thoughts.
I don’t ask to think.
I don’t try to blink.
My ears need not be forced.
My heart just stays on course.
Blood flows on its own.
It pumps an even tone.
I don’t try to feel.
Or con­trol how I heal.
My tongue con­trols the taste.
My lungs breathe the pace.
So lucky that I have it.
I swear that shit is magic.



Shim­mer­ing moon.
She dances.
The sand crawls through her toes.
Search­ing for a light.
Her moves move on their own.
Alone they flow.
Alone they grow.
Shad­ows of per­fec­tion.
Sneak­ing through her skin.
Beauty in the shad­ows.
Beauty deep within.



Under­neath the com­plex nature.
Deep inside the unknown mask.
Dive into the deep­est folds.
In through skin in through bones.
Feet cold on the path untold.
Just a suit­case for the thoughts.
Just a basis catch­ing caught.
Cas­ing pump­ing cre­ation fluid.
Whirl­wind twisted.
Away and to it.
Under the bold.
Strangers in cold.
A vast­ness we alone can hold.



Dif­fer­ent realm then those on cam­pus.
Walk­ing fast while laid on lan­dis.
Foun­tain muf­fles flaps on cement.
Minor repent on all my time spent.



Sen­sual for the sen­si­ble.
Sen­si­ble is not for sen­sual.
Cant really steal the feel­ings.
Of the feel there is for stealing.



Don’t worry Im the doc­tor.
Ill oper­ate your mind.
Grab you by your nerves.
Leave your eyes behind.
The snake breaks loose through­out.
The rat­tle on the east.
Unknown ideas explode.
Con­tem­pla­tive feast.
Erupt­ing in the west.
The trickle still resides.
Psy­cho­log­i­cal takeover.
We are the other side.



Down by the sea­side.
Is where it will hap­pen.
In between the tide.
Divine inter­ac­tion.
Mount all the waves.
Move­ments explode.
Water enslaves.
The self erodes.
The skies tear drop.
Rises at the sand.
He stands on the rock.
The med­i­cine man.



Whiskey high­way.
Its time to take another ride.
Its time to join our peo­ple.
Into our­selves we rise.



Ideas cre­at­ing themselves.



I read the news today.
Lost for any­thing to say.
Always search­ing.
Never find­ing.
How long here will I stay.



The blue bus is call­ing us.
Mys­ti­cism and trips to ancient egypt.
Solar boat the boat with blue sails.
Trans­porta­tion pre­vails.
Imag­i­na­tion unveiled.



Anti nat­ural move­ments.
Flail­ing shad­ows dance on sand.
Bounce to recon­struct the night.
Bod­ies twisted.
Grue­some angle.
The mis­chief of the dark and tan­gled.
Sin­ful drunken.
Beat fiesta.
All our wor­ries.



In between life and death lies a win­dow­less wall-less rooftop of under­stand­ing.
No ceil­ing but still it has bound­aries.
Escape the bound­aries and you may fall.
This higher knowl­edge.
The tip of the triangle.



There are places I remem­ber.
They will never be the same.
My mem­ory serves pre­serv­ing.
A flame that rose untamed.



I come in from the storm to enter the rain.
I divide all my joys to wel­come the pain.

