Scintillation Nation


Scin­til­la­tion incli­na­tion aggra­va­tion nation. Brain abra­sions crav­ing changes brave and fool­ish shame­less. Phrases draped in con­tem­pla­tion words awake in cadence. Magic nation dream arrange­ment pain embrac­ing patience. Strangers aim­ing hate at painters chas­ing revelation.



Magi­cian strings and a heart full of harp.
Alone in a zone with infin­ity spark.
Trav­el­ing time and a belly of wine.
Tick­ling spines with a brush thats alive.
A team of jesters there to per­form.
Worn and tat­tered awake when their born.
Eager expres­sion cre­ative obses­sion.
Break­ing through pain to give just to do.
Where you walk now. Well thats up to you.



Write it down.
Viking sounds.
Light­ning pounds.
Fright­en­ing cows.
Allowed around.
Around and loud.
Flee­ing from the dark­est grounds.
Insight­ful towns.
Fight­ing proud.
Right­ful shrouds.
Whis­per­ing loud.
Alive the prowl.
Alike endowed.
Light­ing clouds the arson clowns.



Addic­tio­nous wine with con­vic­tions sub­lime.
Dri­ving the bus with ridicu­lous eyes.
Alive with dis­gust but a smile inside.
Devel­op­ing rea­sons to bridge the divide.

Even though.
The evenings slow.
A glass filled palm with defin­i­tive glow.
Side to side grin­ning.
Con­trol los­ing spin­ning with laugh­ing within it.
Inno­va­tion depart­ment is hun­gry and walk­ing.
Walk­ing so fast that the thun­der is talking.



Brand new light and brand new dark­ness. Infor­ma­tion. Life: regard­less. Trial this and trial that to rise above is true com­bat. Maybe some­times prob­a­bly yes. Words to your­self some­times are best. Phrases cut deep through your chest. Mak­ing beliefs less of a mess. Sug­gest­ing noth­ing choos­ing all. Indi­vid­ual down­fall. Treat­ment cure or just evolve. No choices left. All the above.



Grand theft emo­tion left us cold and bro­ken heav­ing chok­ing fire with unset­tling desires.
Sup­pose a notion opens hope revok­ing phrases spo­ken with relent­less direc­tion cho­sen under­neath the float­ing potion. Chosen.



A day of rest. Trainspot­ting clouds. Fig­ures swim­ming through our wak­ing eyes. Uncer­tainty tram­pling all desires. Spin­ning calmly. Shad­ows of sun­shine burn holes in the roof. Too much potion. Too much emo­tion. The feet could touch the ground but there is no way of telling where they would carry us. Sink­ing. Think­ing. Lost. Found. Boxed into tri­als of indif­fer­ence liv­ing through pri­or­i­ties of silence. Revok­ing dreams. Awoken speech. Look­ing for answers with­out a question.



Free to speak with cen­sored words.
Free to love under bible verse.
Free to suc­ceed through evil affairs.
Free to breathe pol­luted air.
Free to travel but not to stay.
Free to camp with money to pay.
Free to keep the poor­est poor.
Free to kill declared by war.
Free to assem­ble for pri­or­i­ties.
Free to be bat­tered by author­i­ties.
Free to vote for your nation.
Free to lose to cor­po­ra­tions.
Free to live atleast.
Free to breathe and be.
Free atleast to see.
Free­dom just aint free.



Genie tac­tics.
Reverse dimen­sion com­pre­hen­sion.
Inverse sus­pen­sion inner ten­sion.
The pen release or even keys.
Wake the eyes and make them see.
We all can feel.
The spin­ning wheels.
Steal­ing our mind back on our heels.
Its like an earth­quake every day.
To reach so far your arms are strained.
To reach so far that every day.
It grows harder to take the pain away.



Seems breath­ing changes pace.
A skip­ping chest with­out a vest.
Col­laps­ing knees a mind undressed.
Statue eyes and frozen ears.
Sense­less tongue all wrapped in fear.
Buck­led into coaster seats.
Eat­ing trou­ble feel­ing heat.
Walk­ing noth­ing noth­ing face.
Per­plex­ing chas­ing human race.



The inter­rup­tion lab­o­ra­tory.
Story rid­den evening glory.
He’s patient but he’s filled with candy.
Com­pla­cent but he’s barely stand­ing.
Brand­ing every thought­less giant.
Reck­less dumb and love defi­ant.
Bit­ter for his age. Dis­gust relent­less.
Arro­gant with quick defenses.
He lives to love and loves to live.
Per­haps he’s too harsh.
To truly give.



Thoughts trans­posed with pur­pose.
Urg­ing the inter­nal fur­nace.
Learn­ing feel­ing worth­less,
with inten­tions of being earnest.
Fur­ther than the sur­face.
Work­ing turn­ing to ser­vice.
In turn its burn­ing hurt­ful,
with a brush alert but nervous.



Always more its always less.
Addressed by life the worlds depressed.
Addressed by life the kind with stress.
Com­pressed alive built by regres­sion.
In jest obsessed lost in reces­sion.
Answers lie in the unde­sired.
Vision chil­dren under fire.
Reach­ing out to bring back nubs.
Need­ing funds to spread our love.
Sac­ri­fic­ing all. Will­ing and able.
Breath­ing per­for­mance embrac­ing unstable.

Art cant pump our blood.
Art cant save the trees.
Art cant fight pol­lu­tion.
Art cant stop dis­ease.
Art cant build our house.
Art cant fix the sink.
But it can make us feel.
And it can make us think.
With­out your help it may,
With­out your help one day,
We all might wake and blink,
And art will be extinct.



Talk­ing walk­ing some­thing fierce with eyes alive that often soften.
Reflec­tion auburn. Feels like autumn. Leaves grow to feel fallen.
Shaken taken back by pas­sion actions lack­ing infor­ma­tion.
Com­mu­ni­ca­tion so for­saken patient hopes to just explain it.
Assump­tion of lies.
To reject makes sense but intent was meant to con­nect with respect.
Expect­ing art to slip from tables.
No shar­ing words. No longer able.
Per­haps some­day a dif­fer­ent moon.
Will eye the divide and let it shine.
Per­haps under a dif­fer­ent moon.
The times will let the ride resume.



Scripted shift­ing lift­ing gifted in amidst the drift exis­tence intu­ition vision mis­sions.
Pres­sure mea­sures sculpt­ing walk­ing dream­ing spin­ning lis­ten­ing talk­ing.
Indus­trial fear and the end­ing is near. Clouds rain­ing dark­ness atmos­pheres.
Smil­ing often. Lost grin­ning all it. Sym­pa­thetic dream sug­ges­tions. Rais­ing ques­tions of pro­gres­sion. Sim­ple minds are inside mine. Fight­ing sides to realign.
The ride. Widen­ing lively eyes.
Declin­ing desires to resign.
Abid­ing inside. The dri­ves alive.
In time. Inspir­ing lullabies.



Scin­til­la­tion aggra­va­tion nation of unrest.
Chas­ing dreams achieve­ment based with no time to invest.
Trapped in pas­sion brush in hand awake on my own tree.
Hori­zon eyes to find a mind who sees the world like me.

