Solution Exclusion


Good and bad karma.
Or karma at all.
Or do mol­e­cules float.
So we dance while we fall.
A past illu­sion.
A passed illu­sion.
One to be had.
One to be marked, for the smil­ing sad.
One to be cho­sen and wrin­kled inside.
To love all we see.
With­out all our eyes.



Pruss­ian burnt and lemon yel­low.
Ocre spo­ken crim­son mel­low.
Only car­pets on the table.
Blinds that ride through eyes unsta­ble.
Only blues and greens in sight.
A plight to ride virid­ian.
Or find cobalt oblivion.



Illus­tra­tions of the hope­less.
Invok­ing fear to paint, a photo of the moment.
Con­trolled by hero­ines who find,
the sand and leave a print behind.
Invented by the dream we have,
to reach out far to shake the sad.
But ears get small impa­tiently,
to close the doors and melt the wings.
Illus­tra­tions of the hope­less.
Its hope that stran­gles motion.



Only if we.
Thought the beau­ti­ful she.
The one walk­ing with thun­der hyp­notic and sweet.
The one talk­ing us into the hap­pi­ness suite.
An eye with a fire her actions admired.
Desire to walk on the higher strung wire.
The fear and the love are such beau­ti­ful liars.
Only if we.
Only if we.



The mind­less sleep is so defeat­ing.
To wake with­out a dream for seek­ing.
Trou­bled times and cel­e­bra­tion.
One red wine imag­i­na­tion.
Fly­ing nowhere fly­ing high.
Divided by the tilted eyes.
Face up and walk all you’ve felt.
Wake up and talk.
Back to yourself.



Broken something looking high the child shares its story eyes telling tales of peace and justice facial noise of hopeful substance honest walking mindful freedom smiling screaming chasing dreaming.



See­ing light.
Eye­lids tight you’d think he’d even sleep at night.
You’d think he’d even stand and fight.
The beard of won­der hang­ing large trans­la­tion needed entourage.
Garage of wan­der portable with wheels in turn afford­able.
Mon­e­tary gain­less rid­ers.
Beauty visions now for hire.


Every breath can rep­re­sent,
a rea­son we should ven­ti­late,
all we are and just create.

Every breath can sig­nify,
a way to watch our lives walk by,
and love cause we look out our eyes.

Every breath can rep­re­sent,
a chance to set a prece­dent,
find a way to re-invent,
the rev­o­lu­tion omen,
every wak­ing moment.



In his youth they called him wise.
If only they had real­ized.
His planet rests where space resides.
But its not Earth and theres no time.



Sim­ply only every­thing.
Wear­ing sin­gle nep­tune wings.
Escap­ing so the song can sing.
Awak­ened by the offer­ing.
Offer noth­ing only this.
A palette for our minds to kiss.
A bal­lot only time can split.
Inter­ac­tions make us sick.
Wicked rea­son tricky mimes.
Say­ing noth­ings often wise.
In due time the bro­ken find.
A brand new glass of lov­ing wine.
Its wing, the song, the kiss, align.



Doc­u­ment to fea­ture.
Ignor­ing pro­ce­dure.
Pro­ceed­ing and watch­ing cre­ative amne­sia.
Alone and away the unbreak­able say.
Unbro­ken can find a dark sun every­day.
A myth of a mil­lion a devi­ous plan.
The world just cant fit in the palm of your hand.
Bracelets and charms and the cadil­lac eyes.
Intel­li­gence meet­ing a daily demise.
Although the divi­sion is his­tory made.
The light only drifts when our shad­ows make shade.



They say one day our eyes will clear.
And love will wash away the fear.
But why if we.
Can right now see.
Do we still need hypocrisy.
Equal us and equal them.
We all are.
We all can.
We can change.
In fact we must.
We must trust in all of us.
The golden rule is grow­ing rust.
If only love could scream not whis­per.
Maybe fear would leave the picture.



Smudges on the bind­ing leads to never end­ing find­ing means.
Those who feel sub­limely can recite a line to rhyme again.
Only if and only when the song decides to play again.
Cause we the peo­ple need our sounds its col­ors brush­ing us around.
Only if and only when the song decides to play again.



Just cant stop cause stop­ping will.
Leave the cra­nium too filled.
With incom­plete and scat­tered thoughts.
Break­ing free is con­science lost.
Even though.
The speech is slow.
The words drift off the tongue just so.
It builds into a word or two.
To bring the scat­tered thoughts to you.
Los­ing often.
Los­ing big.
Say it quick.
Avoid the dig.
Ideas they hide.
Alive just now they must they must escape some­how.
If through the brush.
Its color rides.
A book is made the words col­lide.
The words divide but they con­sume.
And make the brushes moves resume.
Either way they tend to slide.
Out­side the mind and find their time.
To find their voice and speak and wish.
And live and breathe and con­tra­dict.
Fight and brawl with every­thing.
Cause ask­ing ques­tions makes you king.



Drifting to stay.
Is not a bad way.
Diving in to give it back.
We live for you.
Our brain attacks.
It tells us things it tells us paint.
A picture that will illustrate.
The love we find when we create.
Don't cut our arms or we cant reach.
And all our words wont find their speech.



Some­times they feel.
With the won­der bones.

The thun­der clones our fear to make our every instinct hes­i­tate.
To make our instinct guess its fate instead of liv­ing wide awake.

Aim­ing often.
Dis­tant lands.

Grow­ing softly grip­ping hands to climb the tree and walk the sand.
Desert thoughts and walk­ing sticks although the roads are separate.

Care­less laugh­ing danc­ing free with equal punc­tu­al­ity.
Leav­ing cheese a swiss road ax indif­fer­ent walk­ing just a back.

Some­times they feel.
With the throw­ing stones.

The row­ing drones that pad­dle straight and walk the line that sheep cre­ate.
The cards they mean to deal us in to live with­out to live within.

Aim­ing softly.
Lift­ing hands.

Intro­spec­tion twist­ing arms we give we are we’re safe from harm.
Stem­ming from the melt­ing tree its sim­ple cyclicality.

In affec­tion moments know reflec­tions shel­ter from the snow.
Rain­ing roads to chase the door when we cant find it anymore.

Some­times they steal.
With the wan­der jones.

We pon­der thrones and cap­ti­vate ela­tion doc­trine ends in wait.
A brain thats lost in saber fights and sun­light soft­ened pil­low fights.

Aim­ing falling.
Drift­ing grand.

Rip­ping all the ground they ran the ride itself the only plan.
The ride it melts and builds some­where we stamp the earth then we’re not there.

It seems absurd this lovely tune we all run wild for bal­loons.
In space three visions pas­sion brings this lovely tune. Its all we sing.



Dreams of noth­ing.
Dreams of it.
Dream­ing makes the real exist.
Ful­fill­ing slightly tak­ing shifts.
Off and on con­sis­tent drifts.
Gloomy evenings sunny bright.
Divid­ing light in pirate nights.
Dri­ving slowly speak­ing fast.
Run­ning from the futures past.
Present day and oceans still.
Over­seas and overkill.
Watch­ing noth­ing wak­ing only.
Mon­sters made for breath­ing lonely.



Some­times a song.
Can make you breathe, like majesty.
Majes­tic kin­ship trag­i­cally.
Epic find­ings.
In a word.
Walk­ing tall and stalk­ing verbs.
Dance in fields.
Dance in streets.
Dance to feel.
Dance with me.
Evening goes.
Day­break leaves.
Breath­ing hard in vision heaves.
Nature mov­ing.
The visual kind.
Leav­ing our­selves.
Find­ing our minds.
In the end.
It all depends.
On what you did.
How and when.
Around each bend there’s lone­li­ness.
On this same ride the love exists.
Trad­ing noth­ing.
Giv­ing all.
Liv­ing often.
Breath­ings off.
Calm in move­ment.
Slow in speech.
Reach­ing far as arms can reach.
Only this and never that.
Fight­ing hate its fight­ing back.
Attack is lethal speak­ing evil.
Only cure is us.
And thiev­ing.
Angry thoughts and chang­ing feel­ings.
Smile all the time cause its.
The only way the joy per­sists.
Teeth sun­lit we all can shine.
Cause love is us. And its our time.



A cross­road begs him to decide.
The tri­an­gle of. The other side.
Traces of the fallen his­tory.
All the pieces. All thats miss­ing.
Ride the wave of here whats now.
Deci­sions met. A solemn vow.
No mat­ter what. Its a con­clu­sion.
Exclu­sion is. The one solution.

