The Introspection Tour


I want to find another place.
A mind­scape absent from the race.
Us all a face of the displaced.

Music fuels the car­pet ride.
Fly­ing paint­ing the crash­ing tide.
Inside this dream we fly and fly.

The love­land rests on a beach of pink.
Scenic change with every blink.
All that we see is what we think.

Wind­ing trees through sun­lit skies.
Gen­tle breeze. We close our eyes.
All rea­sons known no ask­ing why.

Fluid yanks on strings of heart.
All the world struck by the dart.
Every­thing. A work of art.

Shadow danc­ing along the shore.
Imag­i­na­tions we explore.
No pain on the intro­spec­tion tour.



Just when hope boats holes make sink­ing.
A light divine on me does shine.
Infat­u­a­tion. Absorbed and think­ing.
Drink­ing all the lov­ing wine.

Road so wind­ing all for wan­der­ing.
As were tossed the hill or the slope.
Climb­ing cliffs con­fu­sion pon­der­ing.
A hang­ing thread. Our only rope.

Pain will tell us we’re alive.
Con­sis­tency pusher destroy­ing mun­dane.
Reach­ing can sting deep in the hive.
The sun shines brighter after the rain.

And through this rain we must still trek.
Shin­ing back through glances of blue.
End­less curves and intel­lect.
Dreams stay dreams. Until they come true.



I want to find whats inside her mind.
Unwind break shat­ter and undress the times.
I want some­one to want to find. The deep­est regions that I hide.
Awake per­haps escape from blind.
A dan­ger­ous choice to take a ride.
But I would com­ply.
If some­one would try.
The grand fear is to put your world in their hands.
When your world is a world you don’t understand.



A deep pain explodes.
Erodes the load.
The weight I hold close. No longer its host.
A head of scram­ble.
A sick pre­am­ble.
Hard to han­dle. A mind wrapped in scan­dal.
I wish I knew.
Which road to choose.
Dan­ger in a shade of blue.
Elected con­nec­tion.
A dan­ger­ous sec­tion.
Inter­cept­ing all the affec­tion.
Choco­late hair.
Skin so fair.
I care because her mind is there.
Cant think twice.
Fuck advice.
Need to find some paradise.



Crazy makes me crazy whats a crazy man to do. Brown and hazel green and gray and now a shade of blue. Eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two. One is one but one is done the des­per­a­tion gun. Cant always hide but its pos­si­ble to run. One. None. Some. Now I see the sun attack­ing hap­pen­ing actions. Slip­ping slope on dan­gling ropes eyes hid­ing out in smoke. Liq­uid break and brain cell killing hour glass is ante­lope fill­ing. Time to make a move.



Say what you want.
Say how to deal.
Ques­tion your­self.
Tell how you feel.

Say who you are.
Lets just unwind.
Ques­tion me too.
Lets dive in our minds.

Appears so close.
Feels so far.
Give your­self to me.
We are who we are.

Lost in your eyes.
Love is the cost.
Come find me.
Lets go get lost.



I like to take a con­stant through an instant change.
Rearrange the main­tained state plagu­ing my brain.
Against all grain a cre­ation game on plains.
Lets refrain. From going insane.
Lets go insane. Ignore all restraint.

Ques­tion your­self.
Steal how you feel.
Run as you wait.
Embrace what is real.



I like to wake up with life­long mem­o­ries every morn­ing.
Whats the allure,
of liv­ing bored?
Every time is time to explore.
Life is a clock. You need not ignore.



Escape I can, fly as a dove.
Wings upon the waves of love.
Bro­ken bridges break­ing through.
Mended by a look of blue.
The land it grips us all some­times.
Con­trols our mind and makes us blind.
Float­ing seas of all thats shat­tered.
Seems to me. Its all that mat­ters.
Maybe all can under­stand.
Life is best in your own hands.
Time to wait. Time to explore.
Find­ing doors worth fight­ing for.

Faith doesn’t explain whats above.
But heaven must be built on love.



I know she just cant under­stand.
Why I cant stand hand in hand.
Per­haps theres a day to real­ize.
The fears not fair to jeop­ar­dize.
Golden curls eyes bluish green.
Killing chances to redeem.
Rushes of the feel before.
Rather lose to look for more.
I don’t know if its com­pa­ra­ble.
All the ways that I feel ter­ri­ble.
Vari­able being how you try.
To hide your pupils from my eyes.
I wish I could steal all your pain.
Give you the sun. Give me the rain.



The sit­u­a­tion that Im in.
the hap­pi­est Ive ever been.



Com­fort­able is nice you don’t ever have to worry.
Stay­ing put is sim­ple you don’t ever have to hurry.
Keep the same old friends you will never be rejected.
Meet­ing no one else means you’ll always be respected.
Play famil­iar music cause you know you like that song.
The words are in your brain you’ll never get the lyrics wrong.
Stay away from love there isn’t any­thing to gain.
Joy is just not joy if you have never felt the pain.



Life is up and life is down the love is in the ride.
Focus on the world around but still explore inside.
No time for worry no time for hate and neg­a­tive allure.
All the beauty lies in what you’ve never seen before.



Undy­ing pain expe­ri­enced together.
Enter the world through the same mind­state.
Two minds can become one through fusional fan­tas­tics with the envi­ron­ment around them. The world begins with every foot­step. We see the ground up, and we are the top. Our focus remains with the breath of the humans around us. Our sight for those like us brings blind­ness towards the nat­ural world at our fin­ger­tips. Why spend so much time find­ing our cre­ator, when we can sim­ply enjoy what has been created.

The man who is never cho­sen.
Explored him­self.
Too proud of being noticed.



Foot by foot.
Pace by pace.
Inch by inch.
Race by race.
Just in case you make a mis­take.
Don’t wait he’s always full of hate.
Every­day he runs and runs.
For fun he runs cause run­nings fun.
It started when he real­ized.
Extended lives must exer­cise.
But stride by stride he dis­ap­points.
At all his joints they laugh and point.
He works so hard he tries and tries.
All the while he won­ders why.
Why am i unfor­tu­nate?
No mat­ter how long i run far and wide.
Im still so disproportionate.



Clocks run fast.
Clocks run slow.
Depend­ing on which.
Direc­tion we go.

Place after place.
With dis­tance unfair.
Wher­ever you are.
My heart is still there.

Onto the rough long.
Road we are tossed.
Come find me.
So we can go get lost.

Search­ing for more.
Often unsure.
One day we will walk.
Through the door.

